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Exhibeo 2 0 3 – Create Web­ Based Photo Galleries


As educators, the use of Web 2.0 tools is transforming our work, and more specifically the way we support students in the classroom. As schools bring more technology into their classrooms, teachers will in turn strive to put more technology in their students’ hands. That is, if they are prepared to do so.

Photo Slideshow Maker helps you create photo to flash slideshows and HTML5 slideshows with music and video, burn slideshows to gift CD/DVD, build dynamic photo slideshow and share photo slideshow in Go2Album, MySpace, Blogger, and many social websites. Download Gallery 3 Version 3.0.9 (2.0MB) Gallery 3.0.9 is now available! We are still hard at work on 3.1, but in the meantime a few more minor security issues needed to be resolved.

Photo Gallery provides its classy and neat lightbox, which allows website visitors to view enlarged versions of images by clicking on them. Image click action setting of Lightbox tab in Photo Gallery options has the following 3 options: Open lightbox. To activate Photo Gallery’s lightbox, select this option. Redirect to URL. Gallery – Gallery is an open source project with the goal to develop and support leading photo sharing web application solutions. With Gallery you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive, web interface. Gallery works with several different image processing toolkits and is available in over 30 languages! When you exit Web Photo Gallery application, you'll be asked if you want to save your project. The project consists of the photo gallery php ajax admin pictures you choose to put on your create easy web photoalbum ajax web photo gallery and all your floating chat window on web settings.

Web 2.0 Tools are online software programs that allow users to do a number of different things. Blue harvest 7 2 14. They can be used to teach curriculum content, store data, create/edit video, edit photos, collaborate and so much more. These programs are often free and are used by teachers, students, and sometimes parents, both in and out of the classroom, on a pretty regular basis.

The question then becomes, are educators prepared to use these tools? How can educators best plan to incorporate Web 2.0 Tools into their classroom? How can they best plan to ensure effective tech integration? How can they be sure that the tool remains a support piece to their instructional practice, rather than a replacement?

These are important questions that we need to be able to answer for our own work, but more importantly so that we can continuously strive to be a 21st century educator for our very important clients: our students. Imovie not on mac anymore. The use of Web 2.0 Tools to support instruction is vital. How we use these tools is going to make a critical difference in how we measure our students success and how they are supported to meet 21st century skill sets.

If you are new to this concept, don’t feel bad. Difference exfat fat32. Embracing the use of tech integration in our daily work beyond word processing and power point presentations is still new to many educators. However, it’s important that we accept the fact that Web 2.0 tools are here to stay. The sooner we learn to harness their wonderful power, and how they can bring learning alive in the classroom, the better.

As we talk about Web 2.0 tools, one point I want to stress is that we need to remember that it’s not about the specific tools themselves that we use with students, but why, and when the tool is needed. Ideally there also needs to be a culture within the school that values technology use in the classroom. As a former school principal, I can guarantee you that the leadership in the school must also be modeling the use of technology, providing professional development in this area, and seek to build a school community that enables and values the effective use of technology for teaching and learning.

In the spirit of technology for teaching, I want to offer you 8 great Web 2.0 educational tools that I encourage you to seek out, practice with, and learn to incorporate into your work in the classroom. Will it take time to learn to use these tools? Yes. Are the benefits worth the time? Absolutely!

8 Great Web 2.0 tools to support you in the classroom:

Glogster is a great creativity site whose tag line is “poster yourself”. A ‘glog’ is basically an online poster web page. Students can combine text, pictures, graphics, video, and audio to create an interactive online poster. They can click and drag items out of Glogster’s resources, choose their own backgrounds, pictures, text boxes, videos, web links, and more! Glogster has a very simple-to-use interface. The final glog can be hosted by Glogster or you can embed it into a wiki, blog, or class web site. (click here to watch a 2 minute EdTech Talk about Glogster.)

This site was designed specifically for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each of their students with their own, unique blog. Kidblog’s simple, powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs.

Linoit is a great service that provides its registered users with virtual “stickies” that can be placed on a canvas or bulletin board area. Both lino users and non-registered guests can post stickies on the canvas. Keykey 2 6 – typing tutor test. The great thing about linoit is that you can use it at three levels: public, limited access and private.(Click here for a sample of one of my recent canvases.)

Livebinders were created so that anyone, but especially educators, could do with digital information what we do with the papers on our desk – organize it into nice containers – like 3-ring binders on a shelf. With these online-binders, you can also upload your documents and easily combine them with your links in a neat and organized way. Syncbird pro 2 9 18. (Here’s one of my livebinders.)

Exhibeo 2 0 3 – Create Web Based Photo Galleries Sites


This web tool is an easy solution for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways by communicating through their computer with a webcam.

This is a fun and easy-to-use tool for creating short, visual stories. Students can select artwork, drag and organize photos, and add their own text. These creations can then be published on the web with adjustable privacy settings. There is also the option to allow comments, which is perfect for teachers to encourage student collaboration. (Here’s one of my Storybirds.)

Exhibeo 2 0 3 – Create Web Based Photo Galleries Free


VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slideshow that allows students to comment on images, documents, and video through text, video, and audio files. Teachers can set up groups and classes as well as moderate comments, embed to blogs, and export to audio files. It is an easy way to differentiate instruction while providing engaging choices to “show” learning, engage in conversation, and think openly and critically about content. (Click here to see “What’s a voice thread anyway?”)


Teachers and students can generate word clouds that show prominent words in any body of text. Just enter text you have gathered from students, or even a URL, to see a summary of what the text is about. Wordle also allows you to change the appearance of your word cloud by the shape, font, color, and organization. (Click here to see a short video on how to use Wordle in the classroom.)

Wetoku is a web service or Web 2.0 tool out of Korea that provides a simple platform for interviewing someone via the Internet. Collaborating globally is a must for our students and connecting can be a challenge. Wetoku makes doing an interview as easy as filling out some basic information, creating an interview session and then sending the creative interview session’s URL to the interviewee. Once the recording is done, the interviewer can embed the copy of the URL into a blog or website. You will need a web-cam to use this tool. (Click here for a video on how to use wetoku.)

Okay, what do you think? Still not sure where all these Web 2.0 tools fit into your school or district standards? Well for those who are still skeptical, ISTE has developed a great set of educational technology standards for teachers. These standards, called ISTE NETS, seek to move beyond the tool and address the bigger picture of technology in the classroom and in the professional practice. You can take a look at them here.

I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a look at these 8 amazing tools!

Easy Web Gallery Builder creates high quality HTML image or video galleries for the web, CD or local viewing. You can check the online demo galleries here. The application will save you a huge amount of time and money by fully automating the gallery creation process without compromising the quality. Once you have tuned the gallery settings according to your preferences the next time you would like to build a gallery it will require just to load the project and add the new images. Different than the common gallery building applications Easy Web Gallery Builder supports all popular image and video formats. It uses advanced algorithms for resizing images and creating thumbnails providing high quality that would otherwise be achieved only by using expensive image processing products. Another advantage of the application that differentiates it from the crowd is that it gives you an unlimited control over the style of the created galleries. Being able to fully customize your projects you will also stand out from the crowd by creating unique high quality galleries that no one can recognize as automatically generated. The application also enables you to integrate existing code from your web site into the generated galleries (menu, header, footer,banners, etc.) in order to fit them better into your web site an overall design. Buying the product you also get free minor version updates and you can suggest features that we will implement in the upcoming versions.
Easy Web Gallery Builder is free for non-commercial use with some small limitations.

The program is easy to use for anybody, including those, who have no idea of HTML coding and image processing as the code for your gallery will be created automatically. You can save and load your own gallery projects. Besides creating thumbnails the application can resize your images, or convert them between graphic formats. Files can be added from different folders, sorted and their order can be manually adjusted. Many features are also offered for the advanced users, while keeping things simple enough for the beginners. The built-in resampling filters will create quality thumbnails and let you see the result in a real time preview by adjusting the thumbnail quality settings. 7yip free download. Other features include the options to change links, text and background colors, font sizes, background image, thumbnail layout and creation of index page, navigation text, document title, etc.
If you like the product, but you have too specific requirements that can not be found in common gallery builder applications, do not hesitate to contact us. We already have clients using custom versions of our products tuned up for their specific needs and we will be glad to help you automate your tasks too.

  • Create quality thumbnail pages for your image gallery from variety of image and movie formats
  • Create slideshow galleries with transition effects
  • Add customizable drop shadow to the thumbnails
  • Add frames (masks) to the thumbnails and/or images
  • Save and load your own gallery projects
  • Set custom short and long description for each image
  • Add text or image watermark to the images
  • Embed Windows Media Player or custom media player in your video galleries
  • Add custom header and footer to the pages
  • Resize and/or convert your source images
  • Automatically create HTML code for the gallery and image pages
  • Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for page decoration
  • Use build-in color templates
  • Adjust links, text, background and table colors
  • Adjust gallery layout and thumbnail order
  • Adjust document title and encoding
  • Adjust font size and family
  • Set custom META tags
  • Choose between text and image navigation bars
  • Select custom text and/or images for the navigation bar
  • Rotate and/or flip the source images
  • Use flexible output files batch renaming
  • Lifetime License!

Web gallery builder supported file formats:
  • *.avi; *.mpg; *.mpeg; *.m2v; *.asf; *.wmv; *.rm; *.ram; *.rmvb; *.mov; *.qt; *.mkv
    Note: Capturing frames from movie files requires at least DirectX 8.1 and appropriate DirectShow codecs to be installed
  • JPEG Bitmap (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)
  • Compuserve Bitmap (*.gif)
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
  • TIFF Bitmap (*.tif;*.tiff;*.fax;*.g3n;*.g3f)
  • JPEG2000 Files (*.jp2)
  • JPEG2000 Code Stream (*.j2k;*.jpc;*.j2c)
  • Targa (*.tga;*.targa;*.vda;*.icb;*.vst;*.pix)
  • Paintbrush (*.pcx)
  • Windows Bitmap (*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle)
  • Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
  • Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf)
  • Windows Icon (*.ico)
  • Windows Cursor (*.cur)
  • Wireless Bitmap (*.wbmp)
  • Portable Pixmap (*.pxm;*.ppm)
  • Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)
  • Camera RAW (*.crw; *.cr2; *.nef; *.raw; *.pef; *.raf; *.x3f; *.bay; *.orf; *.srf; *.mrw; *.dcr; *.sr2; *.dng; *.erf; *.mef; *.arw)

  • Operating system: Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows NT/Windows ME/Windows 2000/Windows 2003
  • CPU: Pentium-133 MHz or higher
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 2 MB free hard disk space
  • Hi-Color display and video card (True Color is recommended)
  • Mouse or other pointing device

Exhibeo 2 0 3 – Create Web­ Based Photo Galleries
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